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masthead photo by matthew kidomen

Related Locales and Other Points of Interest

The region of Abbotts has been a center for aviation activity since before the Erase. The aerodrome started out as a tiny regional airport serving small bush airplanes, airships and other steam-powered and combustion-engined contraptions. A drive to stop it’s initial construction, led by Phyneas Jack, was defeated and the original Abbots Aerodrome (note the original name difference) was born. In January of 2004 A.D., after Linden Lab extended the Grid into points south of Immaculate, access was allowed to the old Abbots location. The Lindens changed the name to “Abbotts,” to reflect their northern California origin, and the Aerodrome’s present incarnation was established by Cubey Terra and Apotheus Silverman.


The heart of Alfendale, an old Islefen village, was located in the Phobos region. This small town, and all of its inhabitants, vanished without a trace prior to the Great Erase. Today Champie Jack’s Tooblife, the sport combining water polo and inner tubes, makes its home there.

Explorers’ Base (relocating)

Tucked away in a secret location just off the coast of Bodega is the headquarters of the Explorers, a rag tag group of ordinary residents and Lab workers who set out, together, to do extraordinary things. If you can find their lair, you might just stumble right into the middle of an unexpected adventure.

The remains of the great forest that used to stretch from present day Abbotts to Bolinas and south to Mavericks. Today, the heart of the forest is located in the Rodeo region and also occupies most of the neighboring grid squares of Stinson, Cowell, Noyo, Davenport, and Bodega. Portions of the forest and/or forest land owned by the Phyneas Jack Memorial Trust also extend into Abbotts, Albion, Immaculate, Palomarian and Myrtle.


A city-state of an alternate Victorian era accessible only via grid enhanced temporal displacement. New Babbage is a developing urban steampunk area that began with Babbage Square and has grown to include Babbage Canals, Port Babbage, the Vernian Sea, Babbage Palisade, Wheatstone Waterways and the mysterious Clockspire Cove. Kahruvel Steamworks, the source for high quality pressurized steam, is located at #13 Brunel’s Railway in Babbage Square. Visit the New Babbage web site at cityofnewbabbage.com

The long-lost city of Nova Albion found by Magellan Linden on March 23rd of 2004. The present-day city includes the neighborhoods of Grignano, Sistiana, Barcola and Miramare. Also considered part of the city are the Luna shopping area and portions of neighboring Bonificio.

  1. ARMORD Lab - Miramare

  2. Brownstone East - Grignano

  3. Brownstone West - Grignano

  4. Grignano Arch - Grignano

  5. Grignano Broadcasting Corporation - Grignano

  6. Kahruvel Design - Grignano

  7. Nova Albion Infohub - Barcola, Miramare, Grignano & Sistiana

An ancient seaside village rebuilt from ruins found beneath urtahra in the Cowell region. Points of interest include the Lighthouse, the Amphitheatre and the Bluestone Bridge that spans the canal.