[Investigative Meeting Chat Log for September 29, 2012 at Cafe Jack, Grignano, Nova Albion]

[13:46] Valdora Grayson: Oh hello! Is that you, Enjah?
[13:47] Enjah: oh Valdora!
[13:47] Enjah: I was lost in thought
[13:47] Valdora Grayson: How are you?!
[13:47] Valdora Grayson: It's so good to see you again!
[13:47] Enjah: not bad, thanks but how are YOU?
[13:47] Valdora Grayson: It's been too long.
[13:47] Enjah: yes indeed
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: I am still a wreck!
[13:48] Enjah: I believe I will move back to Grignano though
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: Oh! That is wonderful news!
[13:48] Enjah: yes I can understand that, but I am POSITIVE that Salazar is alive and well
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: I can't tell you how awful the past few weeks have been.
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: Thankyou.
[13:48] Enjah: I symphathize
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: I appreciate that so much.
[13:48] EnjahEnjah tears up
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: Oh honey.
[13:48] Valdora Grayson: Please don't.
[13:49] Valdora Grayson: Then I'LL start to cry too.
[13:49] Enjah: I know how it feels to have a son that is ...
[13:49] Enjah: not around
[13:49] Valdora GraysonValdora Grayson frowns
[13:49] Enjah: ok on to other tops
[13:49] Enjah: topics
[13:49] Valdora Grayson: Oh dear. I know.
[13:49] Valdora Grayson: How are you doing?
[13:49] Enjah: not bad at all
[13:49] Enjah: lol
[13:50] Enjah: my gestures have a life of their own
[13:50] Valdora Grayson: Where is Adam?
[13:50] Valdora Grayson: I was sure he'd be here.
[13:50] Enjah: he said he was going to see about Cessadia getting here
[13:50] Enjah: I think
[13:50] Valdora Grayson: Oh good.
[13:50] Valdora Grayson: Well, let me see what i have in the kitchen. I'll be right back.
[13:50] Enjah: ok
[13:50] Valdora Grayson: Can I get you anything?
[13:50] Valdora Grayson: We may not have much right now...
[13:51] Enjah: don't wory about me!
[13:51] Enjah: worry*
[13:51] Valdora Grayson: Oh all right. Be right back!
[13:51] Enjah: I am doing fine
[13:51] Enjah: ok
[13:51] Enjah: I can't hear the music
[13:51] Enjah: is something wrong with me?
[13:53] Enjah: /radio
[13:53] Enjah: the jukebox does not like me
[13:54] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[13:54] Valdora Grayson: I think the jukebox is on the fritz.
[13:54] EnjahEnjah waves back
[13:54] Enjah: a broken arm?
[13:54] Champie Jack: Good to see you :)
[13:54] Valdora Grayson: That's another thing Salazar needs to fix when he gets back.
[13:54] Enjah: and a head injury too!
[13:55] Enjah: ok not me then
[13:55] Champie Jack: Yeah, I took quite a beating
[13:55] Enjah: I am sorry to hear it
[13:55] Enjah: hi Os!
[13:55] EnjahEnjah beams
[13:55] Osprey Therian: enj!
[13:55] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[13:56] Osprey Therian: Hello Champie!
[13:56] Enjah: yes I cannot go to visit Patrick today
[13:56] Enjah: Earth rainstorms in the way
[13:56] Champie Jack: HI :)
[13:56] Osprey Therian: Gawd I am sorry BUT GLAD
[13:56] Osprey Therian: :-D
[13:56] Enjah: yes I am glad to be here
[13:56] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Arrgh, can't move, LAAAG!
[13:56] Enjah: someone typing through the wall
[13:56] Enjah: lol
[13:56] Osprey Therian: oh me
[13:56] Enjah: ILIA!
[13:57] Champie Jack: Hi Ilia
[13:57] Valdora Grayson: Adam just told me that he and Cessadia are on their way. Pleaase, everyone, make yourselves at home.
[13:57] Osprey Therian: Ahm soo tahhhhhd
[13:57] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Hi everybody!
[13:57] Enjah: thanks Valdora!
[13:57] Osprey Therian: lol
[13:57] Champie Jack: Thank you Valdora
[13:57] EnjahEnjah smiles to see Ilia
[13:57] Osprey Therian: Hello Valdora, Ilia
[13:57] Valdora Grayson: I'm afraid we are short on supplies right now. But the blue espresso machine is actually working. Please help yourselves.
[13:58] Osprey Therian: ty
[13:58] Coffee Machine whispers: Vending MOCHA
[13:58] Champie Jack: oh! I must have slept through the delivery of cheesecake, pies, and ice cream. Sorry everyone :P
[13:58] Osprey Therian: llying down made me feel like a spoilt brat
[13:59] Coffee Machine whispers: Vending LATTE
[13:59] Champie Jack: delivery person can't just leave that stuff on the sidewalk
[13:59] Enjah: I will lie down if you want to sit here
[13:59] Champie Jack: that's a good friend!
[13:59] Enjah: sit sit
[13:59] Enjah: I lie then
[13:59] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Musical seats!
[14:00] Enjah: heh
[14:00] Enjah: and flying cups
[14:00] Osprey Therian: :-D
[14:00] Osprey Therian: Somehow I didn't mANAGE TO get my coffee
[14:01] Enjah: you have to touch it
[14:01] Valdora Grayson: I'm surprised I don't break more mugs...
[14:01] Enjah: on the cappuccino machine
[14:01] Enjah: however yo uspell dat
[14:01] Valdora Grayson: Hello Holocluck.
[14:01] Enjah: hi Holo
[14:01] Enjah: sup chum
[14:01] Champie Jack: Hi holocluck
[14:01] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[14:01] Holocluck Henly: Hello everyone.
[14:01] Coffee Machine whispers: Vending LATTE
[14:01] Holocluck Henly: Thank you for inviting me.
[14:01] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Another Burner, yay!
[14:01] Holocluck Henly: got hijacked elsewhere
[14:02] Holocluck Henly: :)
[14:02] Valdora Grayson: Well... Adam and Cessadia are on their way. She is still having a bit of trouble getting around.
[14:02] Osprey Therian: I never zoomed in on it so dint see, ty enj
[14:02] Osprey Therian: Ah, how is she?
[14:02] Valdora Grayson: Has anyone heard anything at all from Salazar?
[14:02] Enjah: I am afraid I keep spilling my mocha on the lovely settee
[14:03] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly shakes his head
[14:03] Osprey Therian: No, Mrs G, but I keep looking.
[14:03] Enjah: I have not heard but I am SURE he is alive and well! I can feel him though not nearby
[14:03] Osprey Therian: I just feel like he is somewhere.
[14:03] Enjah: yes
[14:03] Valdora Grayson: Me too.
[14:03] Valdora Grayson: We haven't heard anything either.
[14:03] Valdora Grayson: But I can still feel him.
[14:04] Valdora Grayson: i know he's around somewhere.
[14:04] Holocluck Henly: he may be in parallel universe or out of sync with us?
[14:04] Enjah: oh boy, that could be
[14:04] Valdora Grayson: I suppose anything is possible.
[14:04] Osprey Therian: Mrs G, you never felt that about Mose, did you?
[14:04] Enjah: but I definitely do NOT know how to search anywhere in a parallel universe!
[14:04] Osprey Therian: That he was
[14:04] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Out of sync, never thought of that... like that Star Trek episode where everybody got sped up so they were invisible.
[14:04] Osprey Therian: somewhere
[14:04] Valdora Grayson: Oh... very much so. Especially in the beginning.
[14:04] Holocluck Henly: especially given the equipment was destroyed.
[14:05] Enjah: oh differen speeds!
[14:05] Osprey Therian: Oh...
[14:05] Enjah: yes!
[14:05] Valdora Grayson: i could feel him all the time.
[14:05] Enjah: he could be here yet unable to communicate with us!
[14:05] Osprey Therian: What if they are in the same place?
[14:05] Valdora Grayson: I'm afraid that faded over the years.
[14:05] Enjah: oh dear, Valdora ....
[14:05] Valdora Grayson: but I can still remember his face.
[14:05] EnjahEnjah feels so sad
[14:05] Valdora Grayson: And the way he used to tease me when I got too excited.
[14:05] Enjah: awww
[14:06] Valdora Grayson: Hmmm.... haven't thought about that for quite a while.
[14:06] Osprey Therian: Is HBA coming?
[14:06] Enjah: he said he would be late
[14:06] Enjah: he said caught between worlds
[14:06] Enjah: what is Salazar is buried under some rubble near the site of the experiment?
[14:07] Valdora Grayson: I just don't know, Osprey. The same place?
[14:07] Valdora Grayson: Where would that be?
[14:07] Enjah: he could starve!
[14:07] Valdora Grayson: Where COULD that be?
[14:07] Osprey Therian: I haven't noticed any stronger or weaker feeling anywhere that S is close.
[14:07] Osprey Therian: An... alternate grid.
[14:07] Champie Jack: Enjah, have you been bac to Rodeo to see the area yourself?
[14:07] Valdora Grayson: Adam did poke around a lot over the past week or so at the site.
[14:07] Enjah: oh good!
[14:08] Valdora Grayson: He found no sign. Truthfully, there's not a whole lot of rubble lefty there.
[14:08] Enjah: ok well at least that eliminates one possibility
[14:08] Champie Jack: and Latizia has been very thorough in her search for Salazar in the area, from her rreports
[14:08] Enjah: there are ... OTHER GRIDS?
[14:08] Osprey Therian: Did everyone see that picture the ginicam took?
[14:08] Valdora Grayson: Yes, bless Laetizea.!
[14:08] Enjah: what do you mean, Osprey
[14:08] Osprey Therian: Quantum physics says YES.
[14:08] Holocluck Henly: I dont think so?
[14:08] Champie Jack: That picture was very interesting Osprey!
[14:08] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Not sure, which picture is that?
[14:08] Enjah: I am not sure either
[14:09] Osprey Therian: let me find it
[14:09] EnjahEnjah finishes her mocha
[14:09] Champie Jack: It left me hoping to find some other data from the GINI's that were present a the time
[14:10] Osprey Therian: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5WvaDX-2RAY/UFPHXzKmiCI/AAAAAAAAG-E/SyRf3hQAixE/s1600/ginicam-picure.jpg
[14:10] Champie Jack: Unfortunately, I've only been able to extract headaches and frustration :(
[14:10] Osprey Therian: Champie, how are you feeling?
[14:10] Valdora Grayson: Yes, dear. How are you?
[14:10] Osprey Therian: Have you seen a doctor?
[14:11] Osprey Therian: That bandage looks none too clean >:[
[14:11] Champie Jack: I haven't spoken to a doctor. since I woke up at the Abbotts Aerodrome medical center...
[14:11] Holocluck Henly: Yes I think you're due for a redressing
[14:12] Champie Jack: since then I've been taking lots of aspirin and pacing restlessly around the flat in the East Building in between periods of sleep
[14:12] Osprey Therian: My memory of the event is not very complete, I'm afraid. I learned more by looking at that picture.
[14:13] Enjah: you look like you are out cold in the pic
[14:13] Valdora Grayson: Did you hurt your head as well, Osprey?
[14:13] Osprey Therian: Ilia... where did she go...
[14:13] Enjah: uhoh
[14:13] Osprey Therian: I bumped it.
[14:13] Enjah: I hope that is not another disappearance
[14:13] Enjah: what if ...
[14:13] Valdora Grayson: OH DEAR...
[14:13] EnjahEnjah does not dare speak her fear
[14:13] Valdora Grayson: Pardon...
[14:13] Osprey Therian: I think I'm fine.
[14:13] Holocluck Henly: :(
[14:14] Champie Jack: Osprey, your picture reminded me just how vulnerable and weak we can really be, and how much at risk I often feel we are
[14:14] Valdora Grayson: That's good.
[14:14] Osprey Therian: Yes.
[14:14] Enjah: oh there she is!
[14:14] Osprey Therian: wb ilia
[14:14] EnjahEnjah is relieved to see Ilia
[14:14] Holocluck Henly: wb
[14:14] Osprey Therian: Ilia, you said something interesting.
[14:15] Osprey Therian: hba!
[14:15] Holocluck Henly: ah here comes HBA
[14:15] Osprey Therian: w00t
[14:15] Enjah: HBA!
[14:15] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Tried to lookm at the pic and crashed.
[14:15] Holocluck Henly: ltns my friend
[14:15] Valdora Grayson: Hello HeadBurro!
[14:15] HeadBurro Antfarm: Hello all!
[14:15] Valdora Grayson: So glad to see you again!
[14:15] Enjah: good heavens, antelope boy!
[14:15] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Hey HBA!
[14:15] Champie Jack: Hi HB :)
[14:15] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[14:15] EnjahEnjah waves merrily
[14:15] HeadBurro Antfarm: Hi guys :) /waves back
[14:15] Enjah: hehe
[14:15] Osprey Therian: :-D
[14:16] Osprey Therian: shall we go around and say what we remember?
[14:16] Enjah: good facilitating there Os
[14:16] Valdora Grayson: Yes, thank you, Osprey.
[14:16] Osprey Therian: maybe it can add up to something
[14:16] Valdora Grayson: Anything you can recall would be helpful.
[14:17] Champie Jack: sorry for any unpleasant odors emanating from me HBA... The plumbing in the Brownstone East is a mess, so I havent had much opportunity to shower
[14:17] Enjah: whose on first?
[14:17] Valdora Grayson: Well, let me begin...
[14:17] HeadBurro Antfarm: I'm sorry - the switch between worlds can be very confusing
[14:17] Valdora Grayson: I wasn't there that night.
[14:17] Valdora Grayson: But I did have something strange happen to me this past week.
[14:17] Valdora Grayson: It was a dream I had.
[14:18] Valdora Grayson: I was here in the brownstone and we were upstairs.
[14:18] Valdora Grayson: Mohses, Salazar and I.
[14:18] Valdora Grayson: It was before the Erase.
[14:18] Valdora Grayson: And Salazar was just a little boy.
[14:19] Valdora Grayson: It was bedtime and Mohses had been teasing Salazar about monsters in his closet.
[14:19] Valdora Grayson: Well, Salazar did not respond well to thaty.
[14:19] Enjah: hehe I am not surprised
[14:19] Valdora Grayson: I had the hardest time getting him to sleep.
[14:20] Valdora Grayson: Then, toward the end of the dream...
[14:20] Valdora Grayson: I looked in on him one more time and he was out of his bed and in front of his closet.
[14:20] Valdora Grayson: And this I remember especially well...
[14:21] Valdora Grayson: he was pushing will all of his might against the door.
[14:21] Valdora Grayson: He was struggling so.
[14:21] Enjah: reallY!
[14:21] Valdora Grayson: And then it ended.
[14:21] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Wow.
[14:21] Valdora Grayson: And that never really happened.
[14:21] Valdora Grayson: It was just part of the dream I had.
[14:21] EnjahEnjah is speechless
[14:22] Osprey Therian: What do you think it meant?
[14:22] Valdora Grayson: Could that mean anything?
[14:22] Valdora Grayson: I'm not sure.
[14:22] Ilianexsi Sojourner: WOnder what the 'monsters' represented...
[14:22] Valdora Grayson: He was never afraid of his closet when he was little.
[14:23] Champie Jack: Valdora, I have a question..
[14:23] Valdora Grayson: Yes?
[14:23] Holocluck Henly: fear .. the unknown... an unknown power, force, entity, place...
[14:23] Valdora Grayson: He was pushing against the door VERY hard...
[14:24] HeadBurro Antfarm: He really wanted to keep it contained
[14:24] Champie Jack: Do you think or feel that you may have some intuition or connection with Salazar, or do you perhaps think that you are expressing your own thoughts and feelings, your fears and concerns about Salazar?
[14:25] Valdora Grayson: Well, I feel it's more of an intuition. Mother has the gift and I have felt things before.
[14:25] Champie Jack: I guess, simply, there are two ways to interpret that dream. One as a connection to Salazar, or the other as an expression of yourself through the image of Salazar
[14:25] Valdora Grayson: Not always dire or unpleasant things either.
[14:25] Valdora Grayson: What would I be pushing against?
[14:26] Osprey Therian: After we go around giving memories we should look at the closet.
[14:26] Valdora Grayson: The closet does not exist anymore.
[14:26] Holocluck Henly: If it's a connection, I wonder if it's possible he had learned something more of the nature of the landing stone and its behaviour. Maybe there's something to that which you're picking up, either live or residual
[14:26] Valdora Grayson: It was never rebuilt when Salazar reconstructed the brownstones.
[14:26] Champie Jack: Perhaps I am projection my own insecurities on you? I feel like I don't know where to start - pushing on all the wrong doors is my biggest fear
[14:26] Osprey Therian: hmmm
[14:27] Holocluck Henly: And perhaps the dream is a metaphor for this
[14:27] Valdora Grayson: It was on the floor above where Adam and I live.
[14:27] Valdora Grayson: Two floors up from here.
[14:27] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Could it be a message from him?
[14:27] Enjah: could there be a portal to another world here?
[14:27] Enjah: perhaps as someone said, a parallel universe or Other Grid?
[14:27] Champie Jack: well, I know all the hot water is in some othr world. Can't get a decent shower in the Brownstone East
[14:27] Enjah: lol
[14:28] Holocluck Henly: heh
[14:28] EnjahEnjah stays far from Champie
[14:28] Valdora Grayson: There is that strange energy thingy in the Brownstone East.
[14:28] Ilianexsi Sojourner: :D
[14:28] Enjah: yes
[14:28] Valdora Grayson: The portal that that pipe appeared from.
[14:28] Holocluck Henly: it's been so long since I've been here. there's something in brownstone east?
[14:28] Valdora Grayson: And to answer your question, Champie...
[14:28] Valdora Grayson: I feel it is more of a connection.
[14:28] Valdora Grayson: yes. Definiytely a connection to Salazar.
[14:28] Osprey Therian: Ilia talked about seeing blue - and equated that with Salazar in some way, didn't you, Ilia?
[14:29] Champie Jack: A mother would know
[14:29] Osprey Therian: Was there any blue in the dream?
[14:29] Valdora Grayson: Enjah, didn't you mention a blue flash?!?
[14:29] HeadBurro Antfarm: The leaky pipes here? I have to say, although they happened beforev my time here, I have always wondered about the origin of their troubles
[14:29] Valdora Grayson: No. No blue.
[14:29] Valdora Grayson: And Salazar was not blue either.
[14:29] Enjah: I was the one who saw a blue flash
[14:29] Osprey Therian: That displacement problem was SO ANNOYING.
[14:29] Enjah: just before I blacked out
[14:29] Enjah: maybe ....
[14:29] Osprey Therian: Once it flooded the photog studio
[14:29] Ilianexsi Sojourner: I noticed earlier that week that the stone was glowing blue... and I thought it was interesting that the blue energy coming from itseemed to be close to Salazar's blue.
[14:30] Champie JackChampie Jack leans tover to Holo "There is a dimensional field distrubance near one of the exterior walls at the East building
[14:30] HeadBurro Antfarm: Yeah Ili, I say the blue arcs too - I left notes for Sal but... I should have dome more.
[14:30] Osprey Therian: Mrs Thetan is near!
[14:30] Enjah: good!
[14:30] Enjah: someone has phoenix lol
[14:31] Valdora Grayson: Oh HeadBurro. Please don't second guess yourself. I have been doing the same thing for the past two weeks.
[14:31] Champie Jack: /e laughs uncomfortably at Headburro's statement
[14:31] Holocluck Henly: Who doesnt
[14:31] Osprey Therian: not I
[14:31] Enjah: nor I
[14:31] Holocluck Henly: Are we seeing something different?
[14:31] Holocluck Henly: I cammed to see the portal.
[14:31] Champie Jack: And what have I done to help prevent this???
[14:31] Holocluck Henly: Not close enough to take out a tricorder
[14:32] Enjah: let's not get into our regrets!
[14:32] Champie Jack: except engineer a device that gave us all a false sense of security.?
[14:32] Enjah: we just need to go forward
[14:32] Osprey Therian: Champie, you mustn't feel responsible.
[14:32] Champie Jack: a tool that probably di more damage than good?
[14:32] Enjah: you did what you thought was best
[14:32] Osprey Therian: in any way
[14:32] Champie JackChampie Jack shakes head at himself in disgust
[14:32] HeadBurro Antfarm: You're right Champie... it's just... Gah.
[14:32] Osprey Therian: ooh
[14:32] Enjah: oh there they are!
[14:32] Osprey Therian: hello!
[14:32] Holocluck Henly: ?
[14:33] HeadBurro Antfarm: I've been back and the blue arcing lights have totally gone now
[14:33] Enjah: hello Ms. Thetan
[14:33] Champie Jack: Meanwhile, I observe all of you working diligently to observe, document and analyze the problems using broken tools
[14:33] Osprey Therian: Mrs T, how are you?
[14:33] Champie Jack: I'm sorry....
[14:33] EnjahEnjah rises out of profound respect
[14:33] Champie Jack: excuse me
[14:33] Enjah: hi Adam!
[14:33] HeadBurro Antfarm: Hello there.
[14:34] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly makes room on the couch...
[14:34] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Hello! :)
[14:34] Cessadia Thetan: Good day everyone.
[14:34] Adam Grayson: Sorry we're late.
[14:34] Holocluck Henly: Hello and thank you for inviting me
[14:34] Enjah: not at all
[14:34] Osprey Therian: Mr G, good to see you.
[14:34] Adam Grayson: Cessadia is not feeling 100%, are you dear?
[14:35] Cessadia Thetan: Oh, I'll be fine!
[14:35] Osprey Therian: Have a nice sit down.
[14:35] Enjah: yes please be comfortable Ms. Theta
[14:35] Enjah: n
[14:35] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you.
[14:36] Valdora Grayson: Adam, we've been talking about what we've remembered.
[14:36] Valdora Grayson: I told everyone about the dream.
[14:36] Cessadia Thetan: Has anyone heard from Salazar?
[14:37] Osprey Therian: No :(
[14:37] Enjah: sadly, not I
[14:37] Champie Jack: me neither
[14:37] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly shakes his head
[14:37] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Nor I.
[14:37] HeadBurro Antfarm: No, I'm sorry Mrs thetan I haven't.
[14:37] Osprey Therian: But we are looking. What do you think is the best way to search?
[14:37] HeadBurro Antfarm: I haven't seen or heard of him since the incident
[14:38] Cessadia Thetan: We need to recontruct the events that occurred in Rodeo.
[14:38] Cessadia Thetan: Gather as many facts as we can.
[14:38] Enjah: yes
[14:38] Cessadia Thetan: Remember as many details as we can.
[14:38] Cessadia Thetan: Then put them all together.
[14:39] Osprey Therian: As I said I don't remember anything of the event, but the ginicam pic is interesting.
[14:39] Enjah: Ms. Thetan you were there at the beginning of the experiement
[14:39] Cessadia Thetan: Is there anyone else not here who was there that night?
[14:39] Enjah: perhaps you could start us
[14:39] Cessadia Thetan: Besides Salazar?
[14:39] Enjah: I think we are all here
[14:39] Cessadia Thetan: What do you all remember?
[14:40] Champie Jack: Fromm ym recollection of the time prior to the event, this is everyone
[14:40] Osprey Therian: nothing :( http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5WvaDX-2RAY/UFPHXzKmiCI/AAAAAAAAG-E/SyRf3hQAixE/s1600/ginicam-picure.jpg
[14:40] Enjah: Salazar had us put some sort of devices in the places where the Stones had once been
[14:40] Enjah: all the devices faced the center of the circle of stones I believe
[14:41] Enjah: of course one Stone was still there
[14:41] Cessadia Thetan: Yes. He and Champie and Adam were setting up that equipment for me.
[14:41] HeadBurro Antfarm: And I had left him a note in the Lighthouse about the arcing energy I had seen and photographed that day.
[14:41] Enjah: and it was glowing and humming
[14:41] Enjah: what would the best outcome have been, Ms. Thetan?
[14:41] Champie Jack: I imagine I was simply following instructions...
[14:41] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you for taking those photographs, Mr. Antfarm.
[14:41] Enjah: what were you trying to do?
[14:41] Cessadia Thetan: Very interesting.
[14:41] Cessadia Thetan: Very interesting indeed!
[14:42] Champie Jack: Even now when I look at the debris, I'm certain that I never understood the way the enhancers worked
[14:42] Cessadia Thetan: It is rather complicated, but let me try to summarize...
[14:42] Champie Jack: I wouldn't have know if what we were doing could have been successful
[14:42] EnjahEnjah listens intently
[14:42] HeadBurro Antfarm: I took it they stabilised a small bubble of the grid and on to that other factors couuld anchor
[14:43] Cessadia Thetan: The last stone in the landing area had begun to emit strane energy readings.
[14:43] Cessadia Thetan: And they were growing more intense ober time.
[14:43] Cessadia Thetan: Excuse me, "over" time.
[14:43] Enjah: yes
[14:43] EnjahEnjah nods
[14:43] Cessadia Thetan: The surrounding tahra was beginning to grow more and more unstable.
[14:44] Cessadia Thetan: And it was affecting the Lindens' grid as well.
[14:44] Cessadia Thetan: And interacting with it.
[14:44] EnjahEnjah nods
[14:45] Cessadia Thetan: THe readings we took over the last few days before the accident showed marked instability of the local grid and I was afraid of a cascading-style failure.
[14:45] EnjahEnjah quivers silently
[14:45] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Yikes.
[14:45] Cessadia Thetan: A failure that could spread outward toward others areas of the grid.
[14:46] HeadBurro Antfarm: That would have been terrible - especially if the Lab's safety systems failed to contain it
[14:46] Cessadia Thetan: When I saw Mr. HeadBurro's photos, I recalibrated my gini to detect the arcing energy.
[14:46] Champie JackChampie Jack wonders if what we are experience isn't terrible anyway
[14:46] HeadBurro AntfarmHeadBurro Antfarm agrees
[14:46] Cessadia Thetan: Champie, you may be on to something there.
[14:46] Holocluck Henly: I'd like to see your photos again HBA. would you have the URL?
[14:47] Cessadia Thetan: Remember, there used to be other stones at that location.
[14:47] HeadBurro Antfarm: yes, I should have it here... let me see...
[14:47] Cessadia Thetan: Not just the one.
[14:47] Ilianexsi Sojourner: I didn't see the arcs, but I did see the blue glow...
[14:47] Holocluck Henly: Much obliged
[14:47] HeadBurro Antfarm: http://headburroantfarm.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/a-much-changed-forest/
[14:47] Osprey Therian: The stones vanishing in the Rodeo incident - a symptom of the instability or somehow causing it? If the stones existed in alternate places...
[14:47] Cessadia Thetan: We had dug up five other stone that were identical to the one still there over the years.
[14:48] Cessadia Thetan: Well, except for the one with the hand-shaped impression.
[14:48] HeadBurro Antfarm: I should have done more, but as you can see, I was too bust gadding about with Shig
[14:48] Champie Jack: With all due respect Cessadia, can you tell us what you thought the chances were that what we were doing would net positive results?
[14:49] Adam Grayson: Cessadia, tell them about the tuning effect you saw...
[14:49] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly nods to HBA
[14:49] Cessadia Thetan: Oh right!
[14:49] Osprey Therian: Champie, that sounds like you think there was some irresponsibility...
[14:50] Cessadia Thetan: Champie, I know we grappled with this before.
[14:50] Champie Jack: Well Osprey, after all, I don't think any of us could even begin to ansswer the question. We trusted Salazar and Cessadia
[14:50] Cessadia Thetan: And the results seems to speak for themselves.
[14:51] Osprey Therian: It is perhaps foolish to poke things if you don't understand them but...
[14:51] Cessadia Thetan: But I think what happened pales in comparison with what could have occurred.
[14:51] Osprey Therian: we knew Mrs T and Salazar understood the risks.
[14:52] Osprey Therian: Right?
[14:52] Cessadia Thetan: I felt very strongly that a major breach of the grid was imminent.
[14:52] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly points out the town wasn't in ruins. it "left"
[14:52] Cessadia Thetan: We had to act fast.
[14:52] Holocluck Henly: it may be intact along with Jack elsewhere
[14:52] Cessadia Thetan: Right, Mr. Henly!
[14:52] HeadBurro AntfarmHeadBurro Antfarm nods
[14:52] Cessadia Thetan: I think that is exactly what has happened.
[14:52] HeadBurro Antfarm: That's how I see it
[14:52] Ilianexsi Sojourner: 'Major breach'-- shudder...
[14:52] Cessadia Thetan: And...
[14:53] Cessadia Thetan: dear Valdora, I think that Salazar did much the same.
[14:53] Champie Jack: ok, I guess I'm just frustrated with my own attitude of naive optimism about much of the efforts we have all made
[14:53] Valdora GraysonValdora Grayson looks in wonder
[14:54] Champie Jack: I wasnt prepared for the "worst-case scenario"
[14:54] Champie Jack: yes, good point Holo
[14:54] Cessadia Thetan: And I would reiterate that we didn't see the worst case scenario.
[14:54] EnjahEnjah shudders deeply at that thought
[14:54] Cessadia Thetan: But we did see something awful occur.
[14:55] Champie JackChampie Jack hangs head
[14:55] Osprey Therian: Ilia, what do you remember?
[14:55] Cessadia Thetan: What I surmised was that the last stone was trying to connect with the other stones that were no longer there.
[14:55] Enjah: Champie you are not to blame!
[14:55] Cessadia Thetan: And when it could't, it began to glitch.
[14:55] Champie JackChampie Jack nods to Enjah
[14:56] EnjahEnjah pats Champie's shoulder
[14:56] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Just before the flash, I saw just a quick glimpse of what looked like a city... the aquaduct was whole, but the stone was white, like it was brand new.
[14:56] Osprey Therian: *gets distracted by glitch*
[14:56] Cessadia Thetan: No, Champie. If there is any blame it is I who should shoulder it.
[14:56] Enjah: lol yes Os
[14:56] HeadBurro Antfarm: That's what I swa too, ili
[14:56] Cessadia Thetan: Well, it was glitching.
[14:56] EnjahEnjah has a dim recollection of another world
[14:56] Ilianexsi Sojourner: The blast knocked me clear off the grid, I couldn't get back.
[14:56] Cessadia Thetan: And it began to overload.
[14:57] Cessadia Thetan: It needed to connect with the other stones to complete it's curcuit, so to speak.
[14:57] Cessadia Thetan: And it couldn't.
[14:57] Osprey Therian: white stone like the village?
[14:57] EnjahEnjah is startled by the connection Osprey made
[14:57] HeadBurro AntfarmHeadBurro Antfarm nods
[14:57] Cessadia Thetan: What?
[14:57] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Similar to that, yes....
[14:57] Cessadia Thetan: What sort of recollections?
[14:58] Ilianexsi Sojourner: It just looked very new somehow, like it had just been built.
[14:58] Enjah: I cannot say, it was just when Ilia said that, I had a flash of a dim memory
[14:58] Cessadia Thetan: Ilianexsi, what did you see?
[14:58] Cessadia Thetan: Can you recall anuthing specific
[14:58] Cessadia Thetan: ?
[14:59] Ilianexsi Sojourner: I didn't have time to see much... a completed aqueduct, I think some stairs, a few other buildings...
[14:59] Cessadia Thetan: An aquaduct, you say?
[14:59] Cessadia Thetan: Most interesting.
[15:00] Ilianexsi Sojourner: It was just a quick image. Yes,like the current one, only complete.
[15:00] Cessadia Thetan: Not like the scaffolding there now, but more like the stone ruins that used to be there?
[15:01] Champie JackChampie Jack just notices that Holo has left
[15:01] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Yes.... only it wasn't a ruin.
[15:01] Valdora Grayson: My my.
[15:01] Valdora Grayson: Oh dear, it is 3:00 pm.
[15:01] Osprey Therian: hba what did you see? anything similar?
[15:01] Valdora Grayson: Does anyone need to leave?
[15:01] Valdora Grayson: Or can you stay?
[15:01] Holocluck Henly: I have?
[15:01] EnjahEnjah giggles
[15:02] Ilianexsi Sojourner: :)
[15:02] Osprey Therian: :-D
[15:02] Takinga Catnap: Please xcuse me to barge in like that, but I have some things to add that may be helpful to get a bigger picture.
[15:02] Osprey Therian: ooh
[15:02] Champie Jack: ah! whew glad you are still here. bad vision I suppose
[15:02] Adam Grayson: Hello Takinga.
[15:02] Holocluck Henly: My emitter may have hiccupped. I could disappear for a moment
[15:02] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:02] Adam Grayson: Please feel free to speak.
[15:02] Takinga Catnap: thanks
[15:02] Adam Grayson: We need all the help we can get.
[15:02] HeadBurro Antfarm: Hi Takinga
[15:03] Takinga Catnap: First of all... your dream, Mrs. Grayson
[15:03] Valdora Grayson: Yes?
[15:03] Takinga Catnap: I think it can be seen as a synonym for Salazar's effort to prevent the great erase.
[15:03] Valdora Grayson: How so?
[15:04] Enjah: hmmm
[15:04] Valdora Grayson: I mean, the Great Erase was over 40 years ago.
[15:04] Takinga Catnap: You know he always said that perhaps the only way to save the forest would be to prevent the great erase.
[15:04] Valdora Grayson: He was about the same age when it occurred.
[15:05] Takinga Catnap: Yes, I know.
[15:05] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Prevent a second one maybe?
[15:05] Champie Jack: I think I understand Takinga
[15:05] Takinga Catnap: but we also know that Salazar was traveling through time. He apparently wasn't aware of it himself, but nevertheless, it happened.
[15:05] Takinga Catnap: let me see... he had a record of it in his journal.
[15:05] Champie JackChampie Jack is anxious to hear more
[15:06] Cessadia Thetan: Had we not set up that equipment, we very well could have had such a second erase on our hands.
[15:06] Takinga Catnap: https://my.secondlife.com/salazar.jack/snapshots/4f53248d321d7e6e09000001
[15:06] Takinga Catnap: there it is
[15:06] Cessadia Thetan: We have been traveling regularly back and forth to New Babbage's time.
[15:06] Cessadia Thetan: But not anywhere else of which I am aware.
[15:06] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly nods. that's over 150 years apart
[15:07] Takinga Catnap: I guess the questeion we have to answer isn't *where* he is, but *when*.
[15:07] Cessadia Thetan: One moment... while I look over Takinga's information...
[15:07] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Hmmm!
[15:08] HeadBurro Antfarm: Hell's Teeth... I hadn't thought of him lost in time!
[15:08] Cessadia Thetan: Oh yes. That is a perplexing photograph.
[15:08] Enjah: yes it is
[15:08] Enjah: brb
[15:08] Takinga Catnap: I think Ilianexsi's vision of a aqueduct how it looked like in the past also adds substance to this theory.
[15:08] Champie Jack: me neither HBA, never crossed my mind
[15:08] Ilianexsi SojournerIlianexsi Sojourner notes down HBA's curse for later use.
[15:08] Valdora Grayson: I remember getting gooseflesh when I first saw that!
[15:08] Holocluck Henly: heehee
[15:09] Cessadia Thetan: Ilianexsi, you saw these images right before you were knocked out?
[15:09] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Yes, just before the blast hit me.
[15:09] Takinga Catnap: Now what if....
[15:10] Holocluck Henly: but they suggest the future...
[15:10] Takinga Catnap: ...what if the experiment didn't fail but was a total success.
[15:10] Cessadia ThetanCessadia Thetan listens to Takinga...
[15:10] Holocluck Henly: if we take into account what Takinga has said
[15:10] Ilianexsi Sojourner: I don't know, it felt older to me... like the stone was new.
[15:10] Takinga Catnap: what if it opened, just gfor a moment, a gateway back in time?
[15:10] Champie Jack: I always understood New Babbage to be similar to the comparison of Salazar's Earth and the Earth that many of us share, Parallel but at the same moment in time
[15:10] Osprey Therian: Some locations seem to have a thin membrane - like in the b'stone east and by the stones in rodeo.
[15:10] Valdora Grayson: You mean like a door?
[15:10] Adam Grayson: Like a closet door!
[15:11] Holocluck HenlyHolocluck Henly 's eyes widen
[15:11] Ilianexsi Sojourner: So... maybe he went to a different time, but the same place? Wow....
[15:11] Takinga Catnap: Like a portal that was able to transport Salazar, most of the Forest and the Village into a time before the great erase
[15:12] Cessadia Thetan: Wait. The aquaduct image seems old. But does this image of Salazar's that Takinga showed us... does it seem old or new?
[15:12] Takinga Catnap: Did anyone ever find out how the Forest and the Village came into existance in the time before the erase?
[15:12] Cessadia Thetan: PAst or future?
[15:12] Osprey Therian: can't tell
[15:12] Champie Jack: While I am intrigued, I'll just suggest that isn't a future time possible as well?
[15:12] Champie JackChampie Jack nods to cessadia's quetion
[15:12] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Anything's possible.
[15:12] Osprey Therian: how old was the lighthouse?
[15:12] Valdora Grayson: The forest was much much larger before the Erase.
[15:13] Valdora Grayson: It covered all the tahra from what is now Abbotts all the way to Bolinas.
[15:13] Valdora Grayson: And down to Mavericks.
[15:13] HeadBurro Antfarm: I've had experiences of the forest in a time long before now, but I've always strongly suspected what I saw was only one version of the forest.
[15:13] Takinga Catnap: Valdora: Yes, but let's say a part of the forest was transported back in time a few hundred years before the erase
[15:13] Cessadia Thetan: Right, Mr. HeadBurro.
[15:13] Takinga Catnap: it had time enough to grow up to its final size until the erase.
[15:14] Cessadia Thetan: There are many worlds running in tandem.
[15:14] Osprey Therian: Is there any way to date artifacts?
[15:14] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Good lord, I just realized what you're saying.
[15:14] Cessadia Thetan: Some preceed this, some follow, and some are concurrent.
[15:14] HeadBurro Antfarm: If enough of the forest is 'leaking' back before the Erase, then the whole area is trapped in some kind of feedback loop
[15:14] Enjah: so maybe he is HERE but not NOW!
[15:14] Valdora Grayson: That does make some sense, Takinga.
[15:14] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Maybe he wanted to move part of the forest back in time so it'd have time to grow and could replace what was lost here!
[15:14] Cessadia Thetan: Exactly, Enjah!
[15:15] EnjahEnjah wishes she were THEN
[15:15] Enjah: I miss the TOWER ...
[15:15] Enjah: I miss the VILLAGE ...
[15:15] Holocluck Henly: me too
[15:15] Enjah: I miss the FOREST
[15:15] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Me too.
[15:15] Champie Jack: Excuse me for a moment, what if it is simply a matter that Salazar has become unable to communicate, or even know to communicate out there in the grid, TODAY?
[15:15] HeadBurro AntfarmHeadBurro Antfarm agrees
[15:16] Valdora Grayson: Inmy dream, he didn't want the door to open. Not at all.
[15:16] Champie Jack: We could spend all our time and energy searching through time and miss him 3,4,100 sims away!
[15:16] EnjahEnjah begins to weep silently
[15:16] Takinga Catnap: Enjah: Given my assumption is right, there _may_ be a chance to get the tower back, and, more importantly, to find Salazar and guide him back to our here and now.
[15:16] Valdora Grayson: That's what I was hoping, Champie.
[15:16] Takinga Catnap: I doubt the portal is a one-way street.
[15:16] Valdora Grayson: That he was just wandering around and unaware of what what going on, or even who he was.
[15:16] Enjah: I hope you are right Takinga
[15:16] Takinga Catnap: Maybe the experiment should be repeated.
[15:16] Osprey Therian: Maybe we'd rather go to him.
[15:17] Champie Jack: omg enjah! If takinga is right....
[15:17] Enjah: indeed, Osprey
[15:17] Takinga Catnap: maybe we can open a stable passage.
[15:17] Champie Jack: Do we know what we are doing???
[15:17] Osprey Therian: no
[15:17] Enjah: exactly, Champie
[15:17] Osprey Therian: :((((((((((
[15:17] Enjah: that is the problem
[15:17] Cessadia Thetan: I feel the same, Takinga. I feel that the original circle provided two-way transport of some kind.
[15:17] Holocluck Henly: No... Sal seemed to be the one with the most experience
[15:17] Enjah: Osprey, remember when Salazar built that portal to get you back here?
[15:18] Osprey Therian: yes
[15:18] Enjah: there was one at the Village as well
[15:18] Enjah: does anyone have one of those?
[15:18] Cessadia Thetan: It is a very powerful technology, especially if it is not working properly.
[15:18] Takinga Catnap: Headburro has some insight into the way the grid works... maybe it's his special Gazelle-man senses...
[15:18] Takinga Catnap: after all he saw things noone else noticed.
[15:18] Enjah: maybe we could adapt one of those portals to be oriented to TIME rather than WORLDS?
[15:18] Takinga Catnap: I think it's a good idea to have him there in case the experiment will be repeated.
[15:18] Cessadia Thetan: We did what I felt we had to do, in the time we had, to keep it from overloading.
[15:19] HeadBurro Antfarm: It has something to do with the way this backpack altered me, made me part animal
[15:19] Holocluck Henly: provided of course we're on the right track and it's not time and worlds
[15:19] Takinga Catnap: As someone who can warn us about anything unusual long before anyone else notices.
[15:19] Enjah: yes Cessadia, you did the right thing, we all did our best
[15:19] Cessadia Thetan: The danger is over for now.
[15:19] Ilianexsi Sojourner: I figured that's why I saw the blue color in the glow... because I'm a hybrid too.
[15:19] HeadBurro Antfarm: I could take a walk through the forest and 'sniff' out potential energy leaks
[15:19] Takinga Catnap: Shigeko Tachikawa may be useful for the same reason.
[15:19] Cessadia Thetan: The stone's energy output has diminished significantly.
[15:20] HeadBurro Antfarm: Shig can see the eneregy too, yes!
[15:20] Cessadia Thetan: Much lower than before.
[15:20] Cessadia Thetan: I agree about Ms Tachikawa.
[15:21] Cessadia Thetan: Yes, Ilianexsi, you have some special abilities as well.
[15:22] Cessadia Thetan: If were are to re-establish the circle abilities, we must do so in a measured and responsible manner.
[15:22] Cessadia Thetan: We are not facing any sort of grid breach now.
[15:22] HeadBurro Antfarm: I'm afraid I'm going to have to take my leave very shortly
[15:22] Osprey Therian: Are the devices in need of replacement?
[15:22] Cessadia Thetan: Very well, Mr. Antfarm.
[15:22] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you for coming today.
[15:22] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Good seeing you HBA!
[15:22] Cessadia Thetan: It is very appreciated.
[15:22] Enjah: I am so glad you could make it HBA!
[15:22] Valdora Grayson: Yes, thank you HeadBurro!
[15:22] Enjah: your input was invaluable
[15:22] HeadBurro Antfarm: I will be available to help you Mrs Thetan, juys call
[15:22] Holocluck Henly: Take care HBA. Good to see you again.
[15:23] Cessadia Thetan: We will stay in touch.
[15:23] Takinga Catnap: I have to leave too, I'm afraid.
[15:23] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you.
[15:23] Champie Jack: HBA, we are all fortunate to have your knowledge, experience, and instict in the group!
[15:23] Enjah: good meeting you Takinga
[15:23] Adam Grayson: Goodbye, HB!
[15:23] HeadBurro Antfarm: You tpp holo!
[15:23] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:23] Takinga Catnap: Does someone have access to kahruvel.com?
[15:23] EnjahEnjah waves too
[15:23] Adam Grayson: I do.
[15:23] Osprey Therian: Perhaps we should agree to meet again.
[15:23] Takinga Catnap: It may be interesting to put a little transcript of today's meeting there, or at least a summary.
[15:23] Enjah: yes to make further plans
[15:23] Adam Grayson: I have been working with the web server company that hosts kahruvel.com
[15:24] HeadBurro Antfarm: I will take a wander through the forest as soon as I can - let's see if I can find anything interesting for the GINIs to get to work on!
[15:24] Adam Grayson: We've managed to locate the files on Salazar's computer at Kahruvel Design just down the road here.
[15:24] HeadBurro Antfarm: /waves
[15:24] Enjah: bye HBA!
[15:24] Osprey Therian: night!
[15:24] Adam Grayson: Champie was able to help me locate their contact info.
[15:24] Champie Jack: I am starting to think that the GINI isn't smart or clever enough to piece together thispuzzle
[15:24] EnjahEnjah waves goodbye
[15:24] Holocluck Henly: :)
[15:24] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Bye!
[15:24] Takinga Catnap: Good night, Gazelle.man
[15:25] HeadBurro Antfarm: Maybe 1 GINI alone, but can they be linked into a net-like interface?
[15:25] Champie Jack: we'll see HBA, perhaps
[15:25] HeadBurro Antfarm: /waves
[15:25] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:25] Adam Grayson: Cessadia, wha were you yelling the night of the accident?
[15:25] EnjahEnjah blows a kiss
[15:26] Adam Grayson: Yes, yelling.
[15:26] Adam Grayson: I remember you yelling very loudly. But I couldn't hear you very well at all.
[15:26] Cessadia Thetan: Yelling?
[15:26] Enjah: didn't you yell GET BACK
[15:26] Cessadia ThetanCessadia Thetan ponders
[15:26] Enjah: or something like that?
[15:26] Enjah: I think I recall you did
[15:27] Champie JackChampie Jack wishes he heard that. Maybe that's what saved his life?
[15:27] Cessadia Thetan: Now that you mention it, my throat was awfully sore in the days after the accident.
[15:27] Cessadia Thetan: I was yelling....
[15:27] Cessadia Thetan: I do remember telling everyone to get back.
[15:27] Cessadia Thetan: Something had happened....
[15:28] Cessadia Thetan: something went wrong.
[15:28] Enjah: indeed
[15:28] Cessadia Thetan: We had palced all the devices....
[15:28] Osprey Therian: smoke
[15:28] Osprey Therian: I smelled hot wires
[15:28] Enjah: a flash
[15:28] Enjah: I saw blue light
[15:28] Cessadia Thetan: And I had Champie and Adam activate them one-by-one.
[15:29] Cessadia Thetan: Each time one turned on the stone's energy began to grow and touch the surrounding devices.
[15:30] Cessadia Thetan: And then.... at one point...
[15:30] Cessadia Thetan: yes... I rememeber the energy aggregated into a ball of light.
[15:30] Takinga Catnap: were all devices activated at that point?
[15:31] Valdora Grayson: Like the sphere that appeared when we were running from the Earse?
[15:31] Osprey Therian: sphere?
[15:31] Cessadia Thetan: Yes, very much like that. But larger. And stronger.
[15:31] Osprey Therian: what?
[15:31] Enjah: a ... SPHERE
[15:31] Adam Grayson: Right.. And it was noisy.
[15:31] Enjah: hey
[15:31] Adam Grayson: And it kept getting louder.
[15:32] Enjah: what if we could ... perhaps not go to Sal or get him back here,
[15:32] Enjah: but maybe communicate with him somehow?
[15:32] Valdora Grayson: Go on, Cessadia...
[15:32] Enjah: sorry I interrupted
[15:32] Enjah: it just came to me as an inspiration
[15:32] Cessadia Thetan: There was a moment when the sphere stood still.
[15:32] Cessadia Thetan: And seemed to expand all at once...
[15:33] Cessadia Thetan: And I saw...
[15:33] Cessadia Thetan: I saw...
[15:33] Holocluck Henly: It would be a start and require less bandwidth, a limited frequency, and no risk
[15:33] Champie JackChampie Jack looks at enjah to affirm that she is not the only one thinking of that
[15:33] Cessadia Thetan: I saw buildings.
[15:33] Cessadia Thetan: Ilianexsi! I saw the aquaduct too!
[15:33] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Wow!
[15:33] Holocluck Henly: blimey...
[15:34] Cessadia Thetan: And I saw stone heads, like the one you found in the forest years ago.
[15:34] Cessadia Thetan: They were on top of a building.
[15:34] Adam Grayson: Wait... I remember that.
[15:34] Adam Grayson: We were all on top of a building.
[15:34] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Good heavens... I wonder if that's when he's gone to??
[15:34] Champie Jack: and yet the current dilapidated aquaduct still remains, while the rest of the area is gone?
[15:34] Cessadia Thetan: Champie, something went wrong...
[15:35] Cessadia Thetan: the energy coming from the circle began to spike.
[15:35] Champie Jack: I meant that there is a difference between what occured "inside" this sphere, and what happened uoutside of it??
[15:35] Cessadia Thetan: My gini began to malfunction.
[15:36] Cessadia Thetan: I'm not sure. All I remember was that the sphere began to de-stabalize.
[15:36] Champie Jack: Inside the sphere seemed to have been the safest place, it sems
[15:36] Adam Grayson: One of the devices started to shake...
[15:36] Adam Grayson: and you yelled for everyone to get back!
[15:37] Cessadia Thetan: Yes. I was telling everone to move back.
[15:37] Cessadia Thetan: To move back to a safer distance.
[15:37] Takinga Catnap: I think someone should investigate the remains of the devices and see why one of them malfunctioned. In case the experiment will be repeated, it may be good to know how to prevent another accident.
[15:37] Cessadia Thetan: Agreed.
[15:37] Champie Jack: and we are all now safe, excpet Salazar. It seems he didnt take your advice
[15:38] Enjah: Maybe his personal energy field differed from ours
[15:38] Cessadia Thetan: I'm sorry. I'm growing tired.
[15:38] Enjah: and connected with the energy of the ... stone
[15:38] Cessadia Thetan: I must get some rest or I'll be of no use.
[15:38] Holocluck Henly: His files may have information regarding certain settings, frequencies, or other properties considered when activating the equipment
[15:38] Enjah: ok thank you Ms. Thetan
[15:39] Holocluck Henly: Someone should look into that
[15:39] Adam Grayson: That's all right, Cessadia. We can continue later.
[15:39] Takinga Catnap: I have to go to bed as well.
[15:39] Holocluck Henly: goodnight Takinga :)
[15:39] Champie Jack: Thank you Cessadia, I know I have learned a lot from this meeting
[15:39] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Good to meet you!
[15:39] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you for coming, Takinga.
[15:39] Champie Jack: Good Night Takinga
[15:40] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:40] Valdora Grayson: Yes, thank you!
[15:40] Enjah: thanks!
[15:40] Holocluck Henly: I need to prepare for this evening myself. I have a job later
[15:40] Takinga Catnap: Will someone post a transcript on kahruvel.com? and maybe follow up closely on whatever will happen in the next days? I'm not sure I will find much time to be around.
[15:40] Cessadia Thetan: And mI as well, Champie., I as well.
[15:40] Osprey Therian: I shall keep looking around and maybe we will meet again.
[15:41] Holocluck Henly: Thank you for inviting me and I'll look for updates on Twitter.
[15:41] Adam Grayson: I will make sure to do that, Takinga.
[15:41] Valdora Grayson: Thank you, Holocluck.
[15:41] Holocluck Henly: Thank you:)
[15:41] Takinga Catnap: Thank you very much, Adam. I will inform Shigeko about today's meeting. I will meet her tomorrow.
[15:41] Osprey Therian: It was nice to see everyone.
[15:41] Champie Jack: Good to meet you Holo!
[15:41] Cessadia Thetan: If anyone recalls anything else, please let me know.
[15:42] Enjah: yes, Osprey, so good to be with everyone again
[15:42] Holocluck Henly: Same to you Jack and please take care of yourself
[15:42] Enjah: in a safer situation!
[15:42] Valdora Grayson: Yes, please. You can contact any of us anytime.
[15:42] Enjah: ok Henly, cya
[15:42] Enjah: hehe
[15:42] Cessadia Thetan: Goodbye..
[15:42] Enjah: he uses surnames
[15:42] Takinga CatnapTakinga Catnap waves
[15:42] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:43] Ilianexsi Sojourner: Goodbye for now, all!
[15:43] Enjah: bye Takinga!
[15:43] Enjah: bye Ilia
[15:43] Valdora Grayson: Thank you all for coming today. It has been so comforting.
[15:43] Takinga Catnap: have a nice day everyone.
[15:43] EnjahEnjah's hair stands on end
[15:43] Valdora Grayson: So very glad you all could be here.
[15:43] Osprey Therian: Mrs G we'll find him.
[15:43] Enjah: yes!
[15:43] Enjah: somehow we will
[15:43] Valdora Grayson: I know we will, Osprey!
[15:43] Valdora Grayson: Yes.
[15:43] Osprey Therian: all right, g'bye all
[15:44] Cessadia Thetan: Good night, Osprey.
[15:44] Champie Jack: Good Bye Osprey
[15:44] Enjah: bye Os
[15:44] Champie Jack: :)
[15:44] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:44] Adam Grayson: Good night.
[15:44] Enjah: ok I will go too
[15:44] Enjah: my dogs await me
[15:44] Enjah: in Earth
[15:44] Enjah: on earth I guess
[15:44] Enjah: not in it
[15:44] Enjah: lol
[15:44] Enjah: I miss Sal
[15:44] Cessadia Thetan: Champie, we have a lot to discuss. But it will have to wait until later I'm arfraid.
[15:44] Champie Jack: see ya enjah!
[15:45] Enjah: are you waiting for me to leave?
[15:45] Valdora Grayson: Good bye Enjah1
[15:45] Enjah: bye
[15:45] Champie Jack: I have a lot to think about. We can talk soon
[15:45] Cessadia Thetan: Very well. And thank you. I value very much your perspective on things.
[15:46] Champie Jack: maybe next time we speak you can help me understand it too.
[15:47] Champie Jack: I'm conflicted at best
[15:48] Cessadia Thetan: It is not an easy or simple explanation I fear. There is much conflicting data that we will have to puzzle over.
[15:48] Champie Jack: indeed, we'v all earned some rest now though. I wish you well Cessadia. It is good to see you again
[15:48] Cessadia Thetan: I have my theories, but that does not mean that I am completely correct on everything.
[15:49] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you, Champie. Please take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon.
[15:49] Champie JackChampie Jack nods
[15:50] Adam Grayson: I think I'll head upstairs for awhile.
[15:50] Champie JackChampie Jack waves
[15:50] Adam Grayson: Good night, Champie.