[Investigative Meeting Chat Log for November 11, 2012 at Cafe Jack, Grignano, Nova Albion]

[10:51] Shigeko Tachikawa: Hello!
[10:51] Cessadia Thetan: Good day.
[10:52] Adam Grayson: Hello there!
[10:52] Shigeko TachikawaShigeko Tachikawa smiles
[10:52] Shigeko Tachikawa: how are you doing?
[10:52] Cessadia Thetan: Very well, thank you.
[10:52] Cessadia Thetan: Ad you?
[10:52] Adam Grayson: Great, thanks.
[10:52] Shigeko Tachikawa: A little tired, and I can't stay very long. It's almost bedtime for me.
[10:52] Shigeko Tachikawa: but I think I will be able to stay at least an hour
[10:52] Adam Grayson: Please have a seat. Make yourself comfortable.
[10:53] Shigeko Tachikawa: thank you
[10:53] Cessadia Thetan: An hour will be sufficient I think.
[10:54] Cessadia Thetan: I don't believe we have met, though I have followed your work. I am Cessadia Thetan.
[10:55] Shigeko Tachikawa: Pleased to meet you.
[10:55] Cessadia Thetan: And you are the one who has the airship parked above Kahruvel, yes?
[10:55] Shigeko Tachikawa: Yes.
[10:56] Shigeko Tachikawa: You saw perhaps that I've set up a second stone some days ago.
[10:56] Cessadia Thetan: I am most curious about the stones you obtained. May I ask from where did you procure them?
[10:56] Cessadia Thetan: I had not. No.
[10:57] Cessadia Thetan: I shall look at that as well.
[10:57] Shigeko Tachikawa: Well, some days ago I conducted a couple of experiments... energy readings and such,
[10:58] Shigeko Tachikawa: I obtained some Kahruvelan granite and decided to make a new set of landing stones from it.
[10:58] Shigeko Tachikawa: these are the stones I brought to the forest with the airship.
[10:58] Uccie Poultry-Seale: knock knock
[10:58] Cessadia Thetan: From where did you obtain this granite?
[10:58] Shigeko Tachikawa: Hello Uccello!
[10:58] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Hello
[10:59] Adam Grayson: Hell other!
[10:59] Adam Grayson: Please make yourself at home!
[10:59] Shigeko Tachikawa: I obtained it from a friend... he was here at your last meeting as far as I know.
[10:59] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Thank you.
[10:59] Cessadia Thetan: And who was that?
[10:59] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Hello, Mari.
[10:59] Shigeko Tachikawa: His name is "Takinga Catnap"
[10:59] Marianne McCann: Hi there
[10:59] Shigeko Tachikawa: Hello Marianne.
[11:00] Marianne McCann: Am I interrupting?
[11:00] Cessadia Thetan: The reason I ask is that, as far as I know, that particular granite can only be found in the Phobos region.
[11:00] Adam Grayson: Hello Marianne!
[11:00] Adam Grayson: Please have a seat!
[11:00] Osprey Therian: Hello everyone!
[11:00] Adam Grayson: Hi there, Osprey!@
[11:00] Uccie Poultry-Seale: HI, Osprey.
[11:00] Shigeko Tachikawa: Hi Osprey
[11:00] Osprey Therian: MARI I CAN'T SEE YOU
[11:00] Osprey Therian: where be ye?
[11:00] Marianne McCann: I'm here
[11:00] Osprey Therian: ooh
[11:00] Cessadia Thetan: And if there is another source for that granite, it would be a most important discovery.
[11:00] Marianne McCann: Honest!
[11:00] Osprey Therian: i see now
[11:01] Cessadia Thetan: Especially since we not longer have land rights in Phobos.
[11:01] Shigeko Tachikawa: I will ask him where exactly he got it from.
[11:02] Adam Grayson: Valdora may not make it here in time today, but she said to please go ahead with the meeting without her.
[11:02] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you, Miss Tachikawa.
[11:02] Osprey Therian: Is the granite in Europa, too?
[11:02] Cessadia Thetan: Now. Does everyone know each other?
[11:02] Shigeko Tachikawa: I assume he got it somewhere at Stinson, but I'll double-check.
[11:02] Osprey Therian: That's where Combat Cards land is.
[11:03] Marianne McCann: I think I know everyone, at least a bit
[11:03] Osprey Therian: Europa is next to Phobos.
[11:03] Cessadia Thetan: Very good, Osprey. And quite close to the old Phobois quarrry too.
[11:03] Uccie Poultry-Seale: I know folks mostly by names and the MySL thread.
[11:03] Cessadia Thetan: Pardon, "Phobos."
[11:03] Shigeko Tachikawa: Anyways... my experiments turned out quite... how shall I say?
[11:03] Shigeko Tachikawa: interesting
[11:04] Osprey Therian: How so?
[11:04] Cessadia Thetan: Indeed.
[11:04] Uccie Poultry-Seale: From what I know about granite (living next to the Granite State) is that you can find similar quartz qualities in stones from different places, but the best way to match composition is to use the same quarry as close as possible to the orginal splits.
[11:04] Shigeko Tachikawa: I set up a new landing stone, and I've layed down a third one at its approximately correct position
[11:04] Osprey Therian: TY, Uccie
[11:05] Shigeko Tachikawa: I noticed sparks of energy between the remaining original stone and the new standing one.
[11:05] Cessadia Thetan: While I appreciate your gumption, Miss Tachikawa. I want to caution against proceeding too quickly. We must not be hasty.
[11:05] Shigeko Tachikawa: and also sparks, albeit to a lesser degree towards the third stone that's currently lying on the ground
[11:05] Osprey Therian: Any glimpses of the city?
[11:05] Shigeko Tachikawa: Well...
[11:06] Uccie Poultry-Seale: I photographed those, Shigeko.
[11:06] Cessadia Thetan: I would not want to put anyone in danger's way.
[11:06] Shigeko Tachikawa: One more experiment I conducted was closing the circle by putting fragments of said granite at the remaining 4 positions, and the results were puzzling.
[11:07] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann mutters "we've already got one in harm's way as it is"
[11:07] Cessadia Thetan: We must make a thorough plan before we proceed with any serious experimentation.
[11:07] Shigeko Tachikawa: I didn't dare closing the circle with the new stones, so I used chips I had left over from making them.
[11:07] Shigeko Tachikawa: I tried it two times, with slightly different arrangements.
[11:08] Shigeko Tachikawa: the first time everything went foggy and I saw the forest like it was some 4 years ago.
[11:08] Shigeko Tachikawa: I took two pictures of it.
[11:08] Cessadia Thetan: Yes, I saw those.
[11:08] Uccie Poultry-SealeUccie Poultry-Seale nods.
[11:08] Shigeko Tachikawa: the second time the picture was very clear...
[11:08] Cessadia Thetan: how stable were the images you observed?
[11:08] Cessadia Thetan: How long did they persist?
[11:09] Shigeko Tachikawa: They persisted until I destroyed the circle.
[11:09] Uccie Poultry-Seale: wow
[11:09] Cessadia Thetan: Hmmm...
[11:09] Cessadia Thetan: Do you have a gini device, Miss Tachikawa?
[11:10] Shigeko Tachikawa: Anyways... the picture I got at the second try was clearly also the Forest, but it must have been at a very long time ago.
[11:10] Shigeko Tachikawa: No, I don't have one.
[11:10] Cessadia Thetan: Is there anyone else who does not have a gini device here?
[11:10] Osprey Therian: I gave mine to Champie.
[11:11] Cessadia Thetan: Please speak up if you would like to utilize the gini and I will get a prototype to you as quickly as I can.
[11:11] Shigeko Tachikawa: Yes, please.
[11:11] Osprey Therian: Me me!
[11:11] Cessadia Thetan: As soon as I can contact Champie.
[11:11] Uccie Poultry-Seale: I don't have one but I'm new to this. I'd love to help if I may.
[11:11] Cessadia Thetan: And all help is greatly appreciated, indeed.
[11:11] Osprey Therian: We certainly need all available help.
[11:11] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann nods
[11:11] Shigeko Tachikawa: let me quickly summarize the second experiment...
[11:12] Cessadia Thetan: Proceed.
[11:12] Shigeko Tachikawa: as said, this was with a slightly different layout. It was mostly trial and error because I don't know the exact location of the original stones
[11:12] Shigeko Tachikawa: and I think something else is missing, but I'll come back to that later.
[11:12] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Can the locations be calculated with photogrametry?
[11:12] Shigeko Tachikawa: the second try gave a much clearer picture....
[11:13] Shigeko Tachikawa: I saw a young forest.
[11:13] Shigeko Tachikawa: small trees, less trees than it had until parts of it vanished.
[11:13] Cessadia Thetan: We should be able to pinpoint the exact dimensions of the stone circle and center stones from the available data and images to which we have access.
[11:13] Uccie Poultry-SealeUccie Poultry-Seale nods.
[11:14] Shigeko Tachikawa: and I saw a complete aqueduct, a bit smaller and simpler in style as the one we all know from the ruins
[11:14] Cessadia Thetan: Most interesting.
[11:14] Shigeko Tachikawa: but nevertheless, it was there. I assume it must have been extended or rebuilt in later years.
[11:15] Shigeko Tachikawa: and I saw another gazelle, looking very similar to myself as I happen to change from time to time since Headburrow left.
[11:15] Osprey Therian: Did you place the stones by the compass-points?
[11:16] Shigeko Tachikawa: I always thought my changing into a gazelle was just the universe's way to replace Headburro, but it seems to be more than that.
[11:16] Osprey Therian: or randomly?
[11:16] Cessadia Thetan: Well, it would be good to know whether these images you observed were points along our own timeline or those of a parallel line.
[11:16] Uccie Poultry-SealeUccie Poultry-Seale goes all wide-eyed listening to the gazelle bit.
[11:16] Shigeko Tachikawa: maybe I had ancestors living around there.... long ago. My family history is quite blurry.
[11:17] Cessadia Thetan: If this stone circle is some sort of temporal/spatial portal, is it limited to our own arrow of time, or does it crossover into others, as Mr. HeadBurro seems to feel based on his past interpretations of thegrid.
[11:17] Shigeko Tachikawa: Osprey: I placed the fragments at their approximate positions, I couldn't figure out where exactly the landing stones were standing in the first place.
[11:18] Cessadia Thetan: There is evidence of quite a few different races with origins in this general area.
[11:18] Shigeko Tachikawa: Cessadia: I'm not sure. All I can tell is that my experiments seem to have opened a way into the past, somehow.
[11:18] Marianne McCann: I tend towards Mr Headburro's interpretation too. It's possible there's more out there beyond even the void sea.
[11:18] Cessadia Thetan: Or at least races that lived here for some era.
[11:19] Cessadia Thetan: The old Rodeo obelisk spoke of three of them...
[11:19] Shigeko Tachikawa: I have no idea how I could influence into what precise point of time I could open a way. It was too random, one time some years in the past, the second time several hundred, maybe thousand years back.
[11:20] Shigeko Tachikawa: I stopped with the experiments after that for obvious reasons.
[11:20] Cessadia Thetan: The Di-Ingue Baughts, the Islefen, from which my family can claim ancestors, and the Stonahra, who are a complete mystery.ors
[11:20] Shigeko Tachikawa: As long as I'm not sure what's going on, I prefer not to touch the circle.
[11:20] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann nods in agreement
[11:20] Osprey Therian: I'm glad.
[11:20] Cessadia Thetan: A wise decision.
[11:21] Cessadia Thetan: but, at the same time, very helpful research.
[11:21] Marianne McCann: I got close enough to them stones a bit ago, when I was trying to get images of that... figure... on it.
[11:21] Cessadia Thetan: It puts some more pieces of the puzzle into play.
[11:22] Cessadia Thetan: Speaking of, Miss McCann. Has anyone seen this figure inworld at all?
[11:22] Shigeko Tachikawa: I did not.
[11:22] Osprey Therian: not i
[11:22] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann shakes her head negatively
[11:22] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Not me. Just pictures.
[11:22] Shigeko Tachikawa: I visited the forest whenever I could over the last two weeks, but no sign of that figure
[11:22] Marianne McCann: That one photo so many of us saw
[11:23] Cessadia Thetan: And what about Salazar's horse? Adam, where is he kept at nowadays?
[11:23] Adam Grayson: Good Lord!
[11:23] Adam Grayson: I'd completely forgotten about Tahro!
[11:24] Adam Grayson: I have not seen him since Salazar's disappearance.
[11:24] Cessadia Thetan: Hmmm...
[11:24] Osprey Therian: hmmm
[11:24] Cessadia Thetan: Salazar used to ride him in the forest. I wonder what has become of him?
[11:24] Uccie Poultry-Seale: An animal that was in the area before the disaster might be sensitive to the energies and help focus them during a rebuild.
[11:25] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Like dogs before an earthquake.
[11:25] Adam Grayson: I'll check the forest again. Maybe Tahro is somewhere close by.
[11:25] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you, Adam.
[11:26] Cessadia Thetan: Now, back to Miss McCann's mention of the stick figure...
[11:26] Osprey Therian: Any thoughts on that message, Mrs T?
[11:26] Osprey Therian: oops soz
[11:26] Cessadia Thetan: In addition to the message we deciphered, we have another message from Salazar's gini that appeared on his Twitter feed.
[11:27] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann nods
[11:27] Vick Forcella: Greetings. Is this a good bar?
[11:27] Marianne McCann: Uh huh
[11:27] Osprey Therian: A good coffee place!
[11:27] Cessadia Thetan: I can confirm that the text message is from Salazar's gini.
[11:27] Osprey Therian: Grab a cup
[11:27] Marianne McCann: o.O
[11:27] Vick Forcella: I hope you don't mind if I join you
[11:27] Marianne McCann: But is that possible?
[11:28] Cessadia Thetan: But I cannot determine yet if the test signal was automated or was envoked manually.
[11:28] Adam Grayson: Please do make yourself at home.
[11:28] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Who knows where the Internet tubes run to.
[11:28] Marianne McCann: I also got some static on my Gini that day as well. I assumed some sort of transient signal, or maybe the thing is on the fritz. It has put in a lot of miles.
[11:29] Cessadia Thetan: I believe that the energized stone is acting as a carrier and routing that gini's signal into our grid.
[11:30] Cessadia Thetan: The automated test signal is done as part of standard gini diagnostics to determine signal strength among other things.
[11:30] Cessadia Thetan: The test can be done manually as well.
[11:30] Cessadia Thetan: Miss McCann, it is possible that the static you received may have been an attempt by someone to contact you via your gini.
[11:31] Vick Forcella: Can we see on the received signal if it was invoked manually?
[11:31] Osprey Therian: Can you determine where it sends from?
[11:31] Osprey Therian: Good thought Vick
[11:31] Marianne McCann: I s'pose it is poossible. I could not make out any words or anythough,though it did sorta.. seem.. like there could have been some in there
[11:31] Cessadia Thetan: I'm sorry, Mr. Forcella. I did not prgram a way to differentiate that yet.
[11:32] Cessadia Thetan: program*
[11:32] Vick Forcella: I appear to be having my shoes on the couch, apologies
[11:32] Adam Grayson: No worries, Vic! That couch is pretty care worn.
[11:32] Osprey Therian: Mrst could you give us the entire message as the gini sends it?
[11:33] Uccie Poultry-SealeUccie Poultry-Seale looks up from her iPad and waves to Tish.
[11:33] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann waves at Tish
[11:33] Osprey Therian: tish!
[11:33] Cessadia Thetan: Good day, Miss Coronet.
[11:33] Tish: Hi everyone!
[11:33] Cessadia Thetan: Please take a seat.
[11:33] Vick Forcella: we could compare the received message with the default message
[11:33] Tish: wow, having some click problems
[11:33] Osprey Therian: Hard to see what is missing w/out having the full thing
[11:33] Cessadia Thetan: Yes.
[11:33] Vick Forcella: Greetings Tish, welcome
[11:34] Cessadia Thetan: And, when all was said and done, the stick figure's message was not ambiguous at all. "Must" rebuild stone circle.
[11:35] Cessadia Thetan: I have spoken at length with Valdora's mother and father.
[11:36] Cessadia Thetan: The stick figure we saw in that photograph was something that had heard about ever since they were children.
[11:36] Osprey Therian: Well I meamnt the gini message - the Go, daddy-o.
[11:36] Cessadia Thetan: But they never in their dreams thought they would see it in the real world.
[11:36] Osprey Therian: uh strange macro lol
[11:37] Cessadia Thetan: Yes, Osprey, I apologize. I was reminded of the stick's message for a bit.
[11:38] Cessadia Thetan: Adam, how are you coming with the Kahruvel web site? Can you get the last meeting's chat log and some of these strange messages posted for all to review soon?
[11:38] Osprey Therian: That'd be a great spot for it
[11:38] Marianne McCann: Uh huh
[11:38] Adam Grayson: Yes, sorry. It has been a bit of a jumble coordinating with Salazar's hosting service and getting permissions set up for us.
[11:39] Adam Grayson: But I should be able to get some updates to the site by the end of today.
[11:39] Cessadia Thetan: Excellent!
[11:39] Vick Forcella: Great
[11:39] Osprey Therian: wewt!
[11:39] Adam Grayson: And I can post the chat from this meeting as well.
[11:40] Uccie Poultry-SealeUccie Poultry-Seale looks up http://kahruvel.com on her iPad ...
[11:40] Vick Forcella: Once we can see the wider picture it becomes easier for us to contribute
[11:40] Osprey Therian: The Brownstone East also has a place where the veil seems to be thin.
[11:41] Cessadia Thetan: I would like to solicit some ideas and plans for how we should proceed. I value your assistance and would like to review any serious plans from you as to how we should go forward from here.
[11:41] Cessadia Thetan: The more detailed, the better.
[11:41] Osprey Therian: If you remember, there were several incidents years ago.
[11:41] Osprey Therian: Like the flooding.
[11:41] Marianne McCann: Sure seems t'me that we've got a lot of info... but we need to put it all together. I do have to say I'm am worried that we may want to move along a bit. Cold weather is coming, and who knows what may be happening.. elsewhere..
[11:42] Osprey Therian: Let's make a list of what we need to find out.
[11:42] Cessadia Thetan: Once we have a well researched plan, we can begin to implement it with due care and caution
[11:42] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann nods
[11:42] Tish: What we all need to keep in mind, is our personal safety in all this. We do not want more casualties.
[11:42] Vick Forcella: It is my great worry that when we repeat the experiment, the result could be worse
[11:43] Osprey Therian: We need to know what era S went to.
[11:43] Marianne McCann: Or even... what reality....
[11:43] Osprey Therian: And how to influence the portal to adjust the time.
[11:43] Cessadia Thetan: I agree, Miss McCann. Time is of the essence. But, to which Miss coronet alludes, we must take steps safely.
[11:43] Vick Forcella: I suspect that the latest grid instability is a result of the current situation
[11:44] Cessadia Thetan: Osprey, do you think the Elderglen stones could be of any assistance. They seem to be similar in function at first blush.
[11:44] Shigeko Tachikawa: Vick: We at least know alrady that building a circle from actual stones apparently causes no harm. My experiments showed unusual results, but no further instabilities.
[11:44] Osprey Therian: That's a great idea.
[11:44] Osprey Therian: They might.
[11:44] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Elderglen stones? The ones that Magellan Linden broke?
[11:44] Marianne McCann: Couldn't hurt, I s'pose,to eye the Elderglen stones
[11:45] Osprey Therian: He was sorry :[
[11:45] Shigeko Tachikawa: I even dare say that since I've set up a second stone, the grid instabilities around the forest calmed down a bit.
[11:45] Osprey Therian: don't keep rubbing his poor nose in it
[11:45] Cessadia Thetan: Although the metal structures we erected were an emergency measure, I do think they overloaded the stone's energy in a way that caused the explosion in Rodeo.
[11:45] Uccie Poultry-Seale: I used to live a stones throw from them.
[11:45] Vick Forcella: In my area of the world instability has increased. There was an uncalled restart just today
[11:45] Cessadia Thetan: But I do think it would have been much worse for a larger area if we had not stopped up that breach.
[11:46] Cessadia Thetan: Perhaps even a grid-wide distaster.
[11:46] Osprey Therian: Shig, was the 4-year portal made using fragments?
[11:46] Shigeko Tachikawa: Yes
[11:46] Osprey Therian: And what was diff about the second one?
[11:46] Cessadia Thetan: That being said, I don't think we should rely on metal devices as stand-in implements from this point forward.
[11:47] Marianne McCann: Agreed.
[11:47] TishTish nods
[11:47] mslf: oiiiiii
[11:47] Tish: that is one powerful electrical storm up there, don't taunt it with metal
[11:48] Cessadia Thetan: Osprey, how is the lava vent in your cove?
[11:48] Uccie Poultry-Seale: That big air ship there is awfully metallic ...
[11:48] Marianne McCann: Agreed. Been having to cautiously navigate that storm, flying out of Kremer
[11:48] Osprey Therian: It's steady. I drea,mt it started sending out weird steam tho
[11:48] Shigeko Tachikawa: Osprey: the difference of the second experiment was just the position of the stone fragments.
[11:48] Osprey Therian: But it hasn't
[11:48] Osprey Therian: ok ty shig
[11:49] Osprey Therian: so maybe it's dial-a-date
[11:49] Cessadia Thetan: Hopefully, when we have cleared all the debris from the energy generators and teletransport devices, the storm will begin to dissipate.
[11:49] Vick Forcella: That would be a plus
[11:49] Cessadia Thetan: Agreed.
[11:49] Osprey Therian: and we just need to place exactly where metal was to go to S
[11:50] Osprey Therian: (since moving the positions changes the time)
[11:50] Cessadia Thetan: "Weird steam?"
[11:50] Osprey Therian: yes
[11:50] Osprey Therian: but only in my dream
[11:51] Osprey Therian: I'll keep watch on it. The tiny vent closed up.
[11:51] Shigeko Tachikawa: Osprey: Coming back to my comment from before... I don't think completing the circle is enough.
[11:51] Osprey Therian: The one on the hill
[11:51] Vick Forcella: we have to take into account all possible dimensions. Dreams can be a vision of one of them
[11:51] Cessadia Thetan: Before any more time goes by, I want to go over again what happened the day of the accident.
[11:51] Shigeko Tachikawa: I'm almost sure we also need the star shaped artifact in the center
[11:51] Marianne McCann: I agree Ms Tachikawa... I think that's kinda... the start...
[11:51] Cessadia Thetan: I remember seeing the images of the city in the energy now.
[11:52] Cessadia Thetan: I recognized Miss Sojourner's stone heads atop a building's roofline.
[11:52] Cessadia Thetan: And more of them along the top.
[11:53] Cessadia Thetan: I saw the aquaduct in its completed form.
[11:53] Cessadia Thetan: And I saw that we were all standing on a rooftop as well.
[11:53] Osprey Therian: a roof!
[11:53] Osprey Therian: so it was lower
[11:53] Vick Forcella: You posted that image of the finished aquaduct
[11:53] Cessadia Thetan: There were stairs going down from where we were standing into the interior of the building we were on.
[11:53] Osprey Therian: back then
[11:54] Cessadia Thetan: Osprey, you know, those stone stairs just south of the landing stone area...
[11:54] Osprey Therian: yes
[11:54] Cessadia Thetan: That's where they were.
[11:54] Tish: Mrs Thetan, iof I may, did the building have regognizeable features, or a certain style?
[11:55] Cessadia Thetan: Perhaps there is more to that stone circle than what was on the roof?
[11:55] Osprey Therian: a flat roof like cowell?
[11:55] Adam Grayson: Yes, I was closer to the staircase.
[11:56] Tish: right, I was trying to get to that Osprey
[11:56] Adam Grayson: And I was able to peer down at one point.
[11:56] Adam Grayson: There were... glowing things... down past the bottom of the staircase.
[11:56] Adam Grayson: Shiny.
[11:56] Adam Grayson: Um... they reminded me of something.
[11:57] Adam Grayson: Osprey...
[11:57] Osprey Therian: Maybe like those shiney crystals/
[11:57] Adam Grayson: Marianne....
[11:57] Adam Grayson: They reminded me of the crystals in your photos from Nautilus City.
[11:57] Adam Grayson: Yes, Osprey!
[11:57] Osprey Therian: Those are the ones!
[11:58] Osprey Therian: That's an ancient place
[11:58] Adam Grayson: Perhaps that is also part of what we need, Shigeko?
[11:58] Marianne McCann: Hmm.. which appeared to be a pretty important part of early nautiloid culture. Perhaps even a power source.
[11:59] Osprey Therian: Purple, Mr G?
[11:59] Shigeko TachikawaShigeko Tachikawa nods at Adam. "Maybe, yes."
[11:59] Cessadia Thetan: There are some pretty striking similarities between the Cowell Village and some of the structures in Nautilus City.
[11:59] Cessadia Thetan: Perhaps there is a connection.
[11:59] Osprey Therian: Any places there now that might match the glimpses?
[12:00] Osprey Therian: It's a big place tho
[12:00] Cessadia Thetan: I'm not sure. It will have to be studied in depth.
[12:00] Osprey Therian: I feel full-up of thoughts, now.
[12:01] Adam Grayson: And Salazar... the images started to scramble when one of the transport devices began vibrating...
[12:01] Cessadia Thetan: Yes.
[12:01] Vick Forcella: Before we take any definitive actions we need a good plan and a map
[12:01] Cessadia Thetan: The energy field started to pulse violently.
[12:01] Vick Forcella: The previous actions were too swift with the known result
[12:01] Cessadia Thetan: And some of the stands began to shake.
[12:02] Adam Grayson: You told everyone to stand back!
[12:02] Adam Grayson: And to point thier ginis at the energy sphere.
[12:03] Adam Grayson: You said to direct our own energy shields against it to stabalize it.
[12:03] Cessadia Thetan: Quite right!
[12:03] Cessadia Thetan: AN overload was imminent.
[12:03] Osprey Therian: That's as far as I remember.
[12:03] Cessadia Thetan: Salazar ran to one of the stands.
[12:03] Cessadia Thetan: I saw him....
[12:03] Cessadia Thetan: I saw him push against it.
[12:04] Cessadia Thetan: The noise and wind was overwhelming.
[12:04] Cessadia Thetan: Debris was being drawn into the circle.
[12:04] Cessadia Thetan: And then there was a flash,
[12:04] Cessadia Thetan: Then darkness.
[12:05] Adam Grayson: Good Lord! That's when he disappeared.
[12:05] Osprey Therian: The glimpse was seen in the flash?
[12:05] Cessadia Thetan: No, the glimpses of the cityscape were seen prior to the flash.
[12:06] Osprey Therian: Which stand was he by?
[12:06] Cessadia Thetan: Like an overlay on the surrounding area.
[12:06] Cessadia Thetan: With a bluish tint.
[12:06] Marianne McCann: Bluish? Hmm.
[12:06] Cessadia Thetan: We has facing the north and pushing against the southernmost stand.
[12:07] Osprey Therian: ok
[12:07] Osprey Therian: ty
[12:07] Cessadia Thetan: One of the stands connected directly to a power generator.
[12:07] Tish: Let me state here ththat's where the remains of Champie's Gini are
[12:07] Osprey Therian: He's too brave :(
[12:07] Tish: wow sorry typo hell here
[12:08] Tish: I mean: southernmost is where Champie's GINI is
[12:08] Cessadia Thetan: It's possible Champie's gini was drawn toward the circle. Perhaps he dropped it?
[12:08] Cessadia Thetan: There was a lot of debris flying in toward the center.
[12:08] Vick Forcella: If we have Champies Gini, we could compare the signals
[12:08] Tish: What is described here, almost sounds like a black hole
[12:09] Cessadia Thetan: It may have smashed against something in the midst.
[12:09] Tish: No that Gini is in tatters Vick, it's still in Rodeo
[12:09] Cessadia Thetan: Or was hit by the explosion when it occurred.
[12:09] Marianne McCann: Ya. Not sure anyone will get anything out of it. It's a wreck
[12:10] Cessadia Thetan: Obviously it did not make it into the vortex.
[12:10] Tish: It's not a black box able to withstand airplane crashes, sadly
[12:11] Cessadia Thetan: Some sort of a wormhole at the very least.
[12:11] TishTish nods
[12:11] Cessadia Thetan: Well, it's been an hour and we have a lot of work to do.
[12:12] Vick Forcella: Is there a group I can become a member of, to stay updated?
[12:12] Cessadia Thetan: Please post or send me your theories, ideas and plans. We will need to discuss them in depth and procure any supplies before we proceed.
[12:12] Osprey Therian: I'm overloaded.
[12:12] Tish: As the representative of the Civil Protection I can only urge you all to proceed with caution...
[12:12] Osprey Therian: yes
[12:12] Cessadia Thetan: Yes, Mr. Forcella. I shall send you a group invitation to the Phyneas Jack Memorial Trust.
[12:12] Tish: ...and to keep your own safety foremost in your mind at all times
[12:12] Osprey Therian: let's
[12:12] Marianne McCann: If there's anything I can offer from our city's resources, I would be honored to do so.
[12:13] Cessadia Thetan: Agreed, Miss Coronet!
[12:13] Cessadia Thetan: Anything else that needs to be brought up now?
[12:13] Osprey Therian: kahruvel.com?
[12:13] Tish: perhaps the area should be cordoned off. Just a suggestion.
[12:13] Adam Grayson: I will see if I can track down Tahro.
[12:13] Marianne McCann: Let's keep a weather eye out. I've no doubt we'll see additional things crop up
[12:14] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you, Adam.
[12:14] Osprey Therian: good
[12:14] Vick Forcella: I agree with Tish, perhaps seal the area
[12:14] Cessadia Thetan: Very good, Miss McCann.
[12:14] Cessadia Thetan: I have turned building off for now, Mr. Forcella, until we can come up with a suitable plan.
[12:15] Cessadia Thetan: One approved by the Trust officers.
[12:15] Marianne McCann: I have been doing CAP flights 'round there. We've been focusing on some odd airship sightings near Bay City, but I do watch for foolhardiness 'round the forest
[12:15] Osprey Therian: Any granite-mining can be done if need be in europa
[12:15] Uccie Poultry-Seale: If there is a way in which I could help, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm a fairly experienced explorer with decent building skills.
[12:15] Osprey Therian: at combat cards site on bluff
[12:15] Tish: Very pleased to meat you all despite the sadness of the events. I must go now. Stay safe!
[12:15] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you!
[12:15] Marianne McCann: Take care, Tish!
[12:15] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Take care, Tish.
[12:15] Cessadia Thetan: Good-bye, Miss Coronet.
[12:15] Vick Forcella: Take care Tish
[12:16] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you very much for your assistance.
[12:16] Vick Forcella: See you soon
[12:16] Marianne McCann: Jinx, Uccie... ya owe me a coke.
[12:16] Osprey Therian: I'm going too - nice to've seen you all.
[12:16] Marianne McCann: Have fun Osprey!
[12:16] Osprey Therian: bye!
[12:16] Cessadia Thetan: Good day, Osprey.
[12:16] Shigeko Tachikawa: See you Osprey!
[12:16] Marianne McCann: I should scoot too
[12:16] Cessadia Thetan: Keep your chin up!
[12:16] Vick Forcella: take care Osprey
[12:16] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you all for coming.
[12:17] Cessadia Thetan: We shall get to the bottom of this.
[12:17] Uccie Poultry-SealeUccie Poultry-Seale waves to everyone leaving
[12:17] Vick Forcella: Oh. Ms Thetan, don't forget the group invite
[12:17] Marianne McCannMarianne McCann nods
[12:17] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Thanks for letting me sit in *smil*
[12:17] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
[12:17] Cessadia Thetan: I will take care of that right now, Mr. Forcella.
[12:17] Uccie Poultry-Seale: *SMILE*
[12:17] Adam Grayson: Goodbye, Marianne!
[12:17] Vick Forcella: Bye Mari
[12:17] Shigeko Tachikawa: See you Mari
[12:17] Vick Forcella: safe flights
[12:17] Adam Grayson: Nice to meet you Shigeko!
[12:17] Marianne McCann: Thanks!
[12:17] Shigeko Tachikawa: bedtime for me
[12:18] Uccie Poultry-Seale: It's been years since I've been in this neighborhood. I need to look around again. Be well, everyone.
[12:18] Shigeko Tachikawa: will be a short sleep, but it was worth it.
[12:18] Vick Forcella: Buhbye Shigeko
[12:18] Cessadia Thetan: Good night, Miss Tachikawa.
[12:18] Uccie Poultry-Seale: Sleep well, Shigeko.
[12:18] Vick Forcella: Bye Uccie
[12:19] Cessadia Thetan: You should have received an invitation, Mr. Forcella.
[12:19] Vick Forcella: Take good care you two, and don't worry. We will have Salazar back soon
[12:19] Cessadia Thetan: Thank you!
[12:19] Adam Grayson: Thanks!
[12:19] Vick Forcella: Take care :)
[12:20] Vick Forcella: Thank you for the invite
[12:20] Cessadia ThetanCessadia Thetan nods