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masthead photo by matthew kidomen

Historical Events, People  & Pertinent Items

ArcheoExpo 2011

This all-day archeological exposition was held in the Cowell Seaside Village on Saturday, June 25th, 2011. The Expo showcased objects and artifacts, created by resident relic hunters, that tied-in with the recent Linden Age (2003-2011) and pre-Erase (pre-1969) history of the Second Life world grid. (See ArcheoExpo 2011)

Great Erase

A catastrophic event that occurred in Earth’s Gregorian calendar year of 1969 A.D., wiping all life from the world of Urtahra. For purposes of clarity, dates directly related to Urtahra/Kahruvel history, especially prior to the Erase, will be denoted with either “B.E.” (Before Erase) or “A.E.” (After Erase), using Earth’s year of 1969 as a zero point.

  1. Valdora Grayson’s Letter

Grid Information Network Inhibitor (G.I.N.I./Gini)

A hand-held device that was originally created by Cessadia Thetan to jam the Grid’s communication network and mask its user’s implant signal from being detected by the Lindens and other residents. With the advent of more granular presence control in the Lab’s software user interface, that ability of the Gini became less important. Since then, she and Champie Jack have been developing a more advanced prototype that will have more archival, communication, diagnostic, research and security functions.

Mohses Jack

A native of Urtahra, Mohses was born on Caravel Isle (now known as Kahruvel) and settled in Nova Albion with his wife not long after they were married. Mohses worked as a mechanic on the flight line at the old Abbots Aerodrome and, along with his wife, cared for the nearby forest that had been his grandfather’s passion. He was lost, along with countless others, in the Great Erase and is survived by his wife, Valdora Grayson, his son, Salazar Jack, and his grandmother, Cessadia Thetan.

Nova Albion Discovered

The long lost city of Nova Albion was discovered by Magellan Linden on March 23rd, 2004 A.D as part of the Lindens’ Grid expansion. The city had been destroyed in the Great Erase and, after 35 years, only a few building ruins and a transit map scrap seem to have survived. (Those items are currently exhibited in the Barcola section of the Nova Albion Infohub.) The city was rebuilt and opened to residents soon thereafter. The four neighborhoods that make up the new city of Nova Albion are Barcola, Mirimare, Grignano and Sistiana. The Luna Oaks Mall is located just south of Sistiana. Bonaficio and the Ahern Welcome Area are to the east. Additional portions of the old city, renamed Bay City, have been restored west of the Sistiana/Barcola neighborhoods.

Phyneas Jack

124 B.E. - 11 B.E.

Phyneas Jack was born in 124 B.E. and settled with his wife, Marasta, in the area now known as Pomponio. He was instrumental in preserving the last remnants of the great forest that existed in the Rodeo/Stinson/Cowell/Noyo region prior to the Great Erase. A passionate naturalist and environmentalist his entire life, he was very protective of the ancient forest that covered most of the islands south of present day Immaculate. When Abbots Aerodrome was first proposed, he led an unsuccessful rally to prevent its construction, hoping to preserve the pristine landscape that he loved.

The Forest of Kahruvel is all that is left of that once great evergreen expanse. Phyneas spent many of his later years studying the ruins there with his grandson, Mohses. After his death, Mohses and his wife, Valdora, continued to care for the forest and Phyneas’ lookout on top of the cliff overlooking what is now called Rodeo Bay. His great grandson is Salazar Jack.

Rodeo Incident >> MORE INFO <<

A sudden massive erasure in the heart of the Forest of Kahruvel. Most of the ruins, relics and artifacts discovered there over the years vanished, along with much of the vegetation and many of the trees. An investigation by the Trust is underway.

Rodeo Obelisk

An ancient stone monument found on a small isle in the northeast corner of the Rodeo region. The obelisk, still embedded in rock, contains a plaque inscribed in an obscure language, celebrating the peaceful end of a conflict between three ancient races.
(UPDATED April 18, 2010: Status – Missing. See the Rodeo Incident.)


Urtahra was the original name of the world that was discovered by Linden Lab, in November of 2002, utilizing their Second Life interdimensional/teleportation technology. The first region they gridded was called DaBoom, named (incorrectly) for an alley in San Francisco, a city in Earth’s region of California. The word, “urtahra” or “tahra,” can also be used in a more generic sense when referring to soil, dirt, land, etc.



Forest of Rodeo Is No More


The Great Erase


Expedition To The New Southeastern Continent


Where In The World Is Magellan Linden?


Has Anyone Else Experienced A Grid Border Breach Today?


Backpacking Burro:
The Creation Files


Backpacking Burro:
The Beginning


Discovery of the Obelisk


Kahruvel Forest


Kahruvel Steamworks


The Forest of Kahruvel


The Forest of Kahruvel


Kahruvel Beginnings


Lighthouse Revisited
